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Finest supports Ciotola's growth plan in the Czech Republic

Finest supports Ciotola's growth plan in the Czech Republic

The company acquires a majority stake in SPM Security Papers

UDINE, 27 novembre 2024, 18:42

Redazione ANSA



Finest Spa, the financial institution for the internationalization of businesses in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, and Trentino Alto Adige, has announced a new investment.

The firm supported Padua-based Ciotola Srl, a company specializing in specialty, security, and packaging papers, in acquiring a 75% majority stake in SPM Security Papers Sro, a paper mill in the Czech Republic.

According to Finest and its partner in the operation, Confidi Friuli, this move bolsters Ciotola's regional production footprint.
    Founded and managed by the Ciotola family for over 30 years, the Veneto company channels approximately 80% of its revenue from international markets. It operates across diverse sectors, from packaging and food-grade papers to self-adhesive materials and security papers and components for central banks, state printing offices, mints, and private security printers.
    "The acquisition of SPM Security Papers S.r.o. in the Czech Republic has been pivotal both for expanding our product range and increasing market share in Italy and abroad," said Salvatore Ciotola, CEO of Ciotola Srl. "Through this paper mill, we can now access the public tender market, primarily involving state printing offices and central banks. Thanks to Finest's support," Ciotola added, "we will also channel new investments into the production plant, focusing on efficiency, productivity, and sustainability." Finest financed Ciotola's international investment plan by subscribing to debt securities, 50% of which are guaranteed by Confidi Friuli.



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