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Heavy traffic expected on the A4 Highway for Christmas Holidays

Heavy traffic expected on the A4 Highway for Christmas Holidays

Increased traffic from December 20: Autostrade Alto Adriatico

UDINE, 18 dicembre 2024, 17:31

Redazione ANSA



The Autostrade Alto Adriatico highway operator has released a forecast for heavy traffic on the A4 during the Christmas holidays, with peak congestion expected on Friday, December 20; Saturday, December 21; Saturday, January 4; and Sunday, January 5.
    A traffic congestion alert is forecast for the afternoon of Friday, December 20, particularly along the highway stretch from Venice to Trieste.

As the day progresses, this alert is expected to escalate to red due to the combined return of commercial vehicles heading back to Eastern Europe and foreign workers returning home.

Consequently, delays and traffic jams are likely at the Trieste Lisert toll booth.
    Similar delays and traffic congestion may occur at the same toll booth on the morning and afternoon of Saturday, December 21, as vacationers embark on their final departures. Traffic conditions are expected to improve in the evening, with regular flow anticipated from Sunday, December 22, to Friday, January 3.
    The first weekend of 2025 will see traffic intensify again, starting on the morning of Saturday, January 4, due to the beginning of winter sales. Queues are anticipated at the San Donà di Piave toll station for drivers from Trieste and Venice.
    Increased traffic is expected at the Lisert toll booth starting Saturday, January 4, into the afternoon as tourists and workers return to Italy from Central and Eastern Europe. Heavy traffic is also expected along the entire stretch from Trieste to Venice.
    On Sunday, January 5, traffic at the San Donà toll booth will mirror Saturday's, with significant congestion anticipated along the entire A4 highway towards Venice.



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