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Mattarella attends Tosca's 125th anniversary première

Mattarella attends Tosca's 125th anniversary première

At Rome Opera House

ROME, 15 January 2025, 14:53

ANSA English Desk



President Sergio Mattarella was a special guest of the opening night Tuesday at Rome's Opera House of a special edition of Giacomo Puccini's Tosca to celebrate its 125th anniversary with a faithful reproduction of the original sets and costumes.
    Puccini's masterpiece debuted on the same day, January 14 1900, and was attended by the composer.
    The special performance of the tragedy set in symbolic locations of Rome - S.

Andrea della Valle, Palazzo Farnese, Castel Sant'Angelo - was celebrated with drinks and refreshments by the public, which also included Rome Mayor Roberto Gualtieri and Lazio Governor Francesco Rocca, among others.
    Michele Mariotti, the director of the première, and Francesco Ivan Ciampa will alternate in conducting the orchestra and choir of Rome's Opera House in the three-act opera, directed by Alessandro Talevi, until closing night on Sunday.
    Spanish soprano Saioa Hernández, who debuted at Roma's Opera House in 2021 with the same opera, was applauded and cheered by the public for her performance as Tosca on Tuesday night.
    The 125th anniversary production features a replica of the stage sets and costumes of the 1900 première at the Teatro Costanzi, based on designer Adolf Hohenstein's original drawings.
    The special edition of Tosca will be followed by two productions in March and May, conducted respectively by Daniel Oren and James Conlon.



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