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Rosita Missoni dies at 93

Rosita Missoni dies at 93

Co-founded high-fashion zigzag knitwear brand with husband Tai

ROME, 02 January 2025, 13:27

ANSA English Desk



Rossita Missoni, co-founder with late husband Ottavio of the Italian knitwear brand that turned brighly coloured woolen zigzag patterns into high fashion, died Thursday aged 93.
    Born in Golasecca (Varese) to a family of textile artisans, Rosita Missoni always remained linked to the Varese area and in particular to Sumirago (Varese).
    With her husband, whom she married in 1953 and whom she lost in 2013, she founded the famous brand, which took Italy by storm before being exported all over the world.
    Colour has always been the trademark of the maison, making Missoni brand clothes and accessories immediately recognizable in the windows of the ateliers of Milan, Paris, London or New York.
    The Missonis lost their son Vittorio, then CEO of the fashion house, in a plane crash a few weeks before Croatia-born Ottavio 'Tai' Missoni died aged 92 on May 8, 2013.


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