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Rejection of terror with common values - Mattarella to Biden

Rejection of terror with common values - Mattarella to Biden

Italian head of State sends message after attack in New Orleans

ROME, 02 January 2025, 16:38

ANSA English Desk



Italian President Sergio Mattarella has sent a message to his US counterpart Joe Biden after at least 15 people were killed and dozens injured when a pickup truck plowed into a crowd in downtown New Orleans on New Year's Day in an attack described as an "act of terrorism" by the FBI.
    "I have learned with dismay about the vile attack that caused many victims and wounded in the city of New Orleans.
    "The Italian population participates in the mourning of those who lost their dear ones and hopes for the prompt recovery of the wounded", the president wrote.
    "In this moment of pain for the American people, I care about reaffirming the decided intention of the Italian Republic of fighting in the most firm manner any form of terrorism, on the basis of those values of civility, democracy and respect for human life that have always been shared with the United States.
    Mattarella expressed his own and the Italian Republic's "deepest condolences" to Biden "in a spirit of closeness and while waiting to welcome you in Rome".
    Biden and First Lady Jill will be in Rome from January 9 to January 12 to meet with Pope Francis, President Sergio Mattarella and Premier Giorgia Meloni.


Not to be missed


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