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  2. English Service
  3. Italy close to Germans says Mattarella after Magdeburg (2)

Italy close to Germans says Mattarella after Magdeburg (2)

Message to Federal President Steinmeier

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 21 - President Sergio Mattarella on Saturday expressed Italy's closeness to Germany's population in a message to his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier following a deadly car-ramming attack at a Christmas market in the city of Magdeburg on friday night.
    "News of the treacherous attack against the Christmas market in Magdeburg sparks horror and unanimous condemnation in Italians.
    "I immediately desire to express these feeling to you, mister President and dear friend, and to all Your compatriots.
    "In this dramatic circumstance, the Italian Republic is close to the German population with convinced and sincere participation", Mattarella said in the message sent to Steinmeier.



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