(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 21 - Italians will spend an estimated 3.2
billion euros for the traditional Christmas meal, an additional
300 million compared to last year and 500 million more with
respect to celebrations prior to the Covid pandemic, according
to a survey published on Saturday by the research centre of the
confederation of cooperatives Confcooperative.
The poll found that the phenomenon was not due to a rise in
consumption but to a generalized increase in prices, as well as
of Christmas bonuses and of the number of people in employment
2024, which recorded a boom in new employees.
"According to this trend, personal spending prevailed" this year
which was dominated by "selfishness, caution and prudence" in
consumption, with the gap between those who can spend and those
who can't widening, it said.
"One in three Italians will go on holiday, but the army of
people in absolute and relative poverty includes about 10
million", said the study. (ANSA).