(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 20 - The judiciary's self-governing body,
the Superior Council of Magistrates (CSM), on Wednesday approved
by a wide majority a resolution for the safeguard of judges in
Bologna who have referred to the European Court of Justice a new
decree listing safe countries for repatriation.
The safeguard procedure has no juridical effect but represents
an official position taken by the CSM on the issue, stigmatizing
the harsh reaction of leading government members against the
magistrates who took the decision.
It is the first safeguard procedure approved over the past 15
years during a plenary session of the self-governing body.
The last instance dated back to 2009 and regarded Raimondo
Mesiano, the judge in the so-called Lodo Mondadori case
concerning two entrepreneurs, late former premier Silvio
Berlusconi and Carlo de Benedetti, and the bid for the ownership
of the Arnaldo Mondadori publishing house.
After 2009, two other practices reached the plenum, in 2019 and
2021, but did not involve the relationship between the judiciary
and decision makers. (ANSA).