(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 8 - The construction of what would be the
world's longest suspension bridge across the Messina Strait from
Sicily to mainland Italy is the biggest anti-mafia operation
imaginable, Transport Minister and Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini
said Friday.
"The Bridge over the Strait is a construction site that will not
only unite Sicily and Calabria after a century of chatter,
Messina and Villa San Giovanni, but will unite Italy to Europe,
to the world," the rightwing League party leader said on the
sidelines of the conference 'Bridges and viaducts. Guidelines
for verification and control. Design and construction',
organized by the National Agency for the safety of railways and
road and motorway infrastructure.
"It will create more than 100,000 jobs according to the
company's estimates and will be the largest anti-mafia
operation. (ANSA).