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Pope calls for end to strikes on civilians

    "Let us continue to pray for peace in Ukraine, in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Myanmar, in Sudan," the Argentine pontiff said.

Sections - 05.01.2025, 12:00

Democracy must be nourished Mattarella to say in NYE address

    The president is expected to recall that 2024 was a difficult year with, in addition to the war in Ukraine, the Middle Eastern crisis, following images of violent massacres, from the one in Israel...

Sections - 31.12.2024, 13:51

Stop colonizing people with weapons says pope

    The Argentine pontiff also called for "peace in the whole world, especially in war-torn Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Myanmar, North Kivu, and many other countries at war."

Sections - 26.12.2024, 13:33

Children being machine-gunned in Gaza says pope

    The pope had launched the same message on Saturday, prompting Israel to accuse him of having "double standards".

Sections - 22.12.2024, 12:10

Patriarch Pizzaballa has entered Gaza

    On Saturday evening, Israel...

Sections - 22.12.2024, 11:04

Sirens of nationalistic sectarianism returning - Mattarella

President Sergio Mattarella on Monday sounded the alarm about an upswing in nationalism as he addressed the 17th States General of Diplomacy conference, which is taking place at the foreign ministry in Rome.

Sections - 16.12.2024, 12:01

Francis becomes first pope to visit Corsica

    "Peace for Palestine, for Israel, for Lebanon, for Syria, for the entire Middle East!

Sections - 15.12.2024, 14:17

Israel, Palestine must coexist in peace - Meloni tells Abbas

    The Premier "stressed Italy's commitment to work for a long-lasting political solution, based on a perspective of two States, in which Israel...

Sections - 13.12.2024, 18:06

Italy to face Slovakia or Norway in World Cup qualifiers

    Norway are in Group I with Israel, Estonia and Moldova. (ANSA).

Sections - 13.12.2024, 12:32

Italy's Jews blast 'anti-Semitic' transport strike

    "Unfortunately, we are faced with a rise of hatred towards Israel that disregards any reasonable context, and which can have no other explanation than the urge to express... an anti-Semitism that has always smouldered and has never been weakened.

Sections - 13.12.2024, 11:16

Amb. Italy, '7 October dark page for the human community'

(ANSA) - TEL AVIV, 10 DIC - The Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Israel participated in the presentation of Sharon Nizza's book '7 October 2023, the Longest Day' at the Gutman Museum in Tel Aviv.

Sections - 10.12.2024, 16:34

Erdogan tells Meloni 'Israeli aggression in Syria'

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 10 - The over 300 strikes Israel...

Sections - 10.12.2024, 15:32

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