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Found 107 results

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Journalists' union, guild file complaint over Paragon case

On Tuesday, Cabinet Undersecretary Alfredo...

Sections - 19.02.2025, 15:23

Journalists' union, guild file complaint over Paragon

On Tuesday, Cabinet Undersecretary Alfredo...

Sections - 19.02.2025, 14:40

Journalists' union, guild file complaint over Paragon case

On Tuesday, Cabinet Undersecretary Alfredo...

Sections - 19.02.2025, 11:58

Govt 'has already provided all Paragon declassified info'

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 18 - Cabinet Undersecretary Alfredo...

Sections - 18.02.2025, 16:39

Govt 'has already provided all Paragon declassified info'

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 18 - Cabinet Undersecretary Alfredo...

Sections - 18.02.2025, 15:57

>>>ANSA/Tribunal of Ministers starts probe into Almasri case

    Cabinet Secretary Alfredo...

Sections - 12.02.2025, 18:02

Mantovano warns of 'difficult situation' in Libya

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 12 - Cabinet Secretary Alfredo...

Sections - 12.02.2025, 15:37

Tribunal of Ministers starts probe into Almasri case

    Premier Giorgia Meloni, Justice Minister Carlo Nordio - over his alleged refusal to perform public acts - Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and Cabinet Undersecretary with the intelligence brief Alfredo...

Sections - 12.02.2025, 10:46

Meloni agrees to meet new head of magistrates union

    Lo Voi was already at the centre of a clash with Meloni after he informed her that she, Nordio, Justice Minister Matteo Piantedosi and Cabinet Secretary with the intelligence brief Alfredo...

Sections - 10.02.2025, 14:36

Nordio denounces mistakes in ICC warrant

    Last month, Rome's chief prosecutor, Francesco Lo Voi, notified Premier Giorgia Meloni, Nordio, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and Cabinet Secretary with the intelligence brief Alfredo...

Sections - 05.02.2025, 13:11

Nordio, Piantedosi to report Wednesday on Almasri

    On Monday, League party Senator Giulia Bongiorno, who has been appointed as the sole attorney representing Premier Giorgia Meloni, Nordio, Piantedosi and Cabinet Secretary with the intelligence brief Alfredo...

Sections - 04.02.2025, 18:24

Nordio, Piantedosi set to report to Parliament on Almasri

    On Monday, League party Senator Giulia Bongiorno, who has been appointed as the sole attorney representing Premier Giorgia Meloni, Nordio, Piantedosi and Cabinet Secretary with the intelligence brief Alfredo...

Sections - 04.02.2025, 11:00

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